WPC Flooring Structure
SPC Flooring Structure
Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) and Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) are two types of vinyl engineered flooring. For the most part, they are very similar.
They have common layers, a wear layer, and a vinyl topcoat. The wear layer is transparent and adds scratch and stain resistance. The vinyl topcoat is a thin layer of vinyl, which makes it waterproof. In SPC, this layer the pattern and texture of the flooring. The next two layers in SPC are SPC core, which adds stability and the attached underlayment, which add softness to the floor and help reduce sound. In WPC, the next two layers are the decorative print and the WPC core, which adds stability, and sturdiness.
They both offer the same advantages. Both are waterproof, offer a variety of textures and styles, are budget-friendly, require low maintenance, are comfortable, are resistant to scratches and stains, are easy to install and are stable in different types of environments where temperatures vary.
Their main differences are their thickness, their durability, sound insulation, and price. WPC has a thicker core making it thicker. SPC is denser, which makes it more resistant to heavyweights, this is more durable. Being thicker, WPC provides more sound insulation.
Both are popular options which would very well accommodate your home.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at (408) 333-9771 or at (408)509-8627.