There are various types of flooring, like authentic hardwood and look-alike tile and it can be hard choosing between them. They are both great options, but before considering either product, you should be informed of their pros and cons.
These are the advantages of real hardwood floors:
Easy maintenance
Long durability
It’s comfortable
These are the disadvantages of real hardwood floors:
Prone to scratches
Very susceptible to water damage
Can’t be installed in any area because of humidity
These are the advantages of hardwood tile flooring:
Scratch proof
Can be installed in any area
These are the disadvantages of hardwood tile flooring:
More expensive to replace
Prone to cracks and chips
Can be very slippery
Can be uncomfortable
If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to contact us at (408) 509-8627 or (408) 333-9771.