VOC — Blog — Evergreen Hardwood Floors


Bamboo Flooring

A flooring option that many people don’t know of is bamboo flooring. Not much information is available for this product because of its lack of popularity. Bamboo is treelike grass most abundant in East and Southeast Asia. It has many positives, along with some drawbacks.

Its benefits

  • Eco-friendly, Bamboo has great renewability resources.

  • Durable, Several types of bamboo are extremely strong, strand woven bamboo can be manufactured to be even stronger than woods like red oak.

  • Reasonable pricing, This product is very redundant and is no more than $9 per square foot.

  • Low maintenance, To clean it, you have to sweep or vacuum it regularly, but you can also mop it, just not so frequently.


Its drawbacks

  • Susceptible to scratches, If you have pet’s bamboo flooring would not be the best option.

  • Water and humidity damage, Bamboo is resistant to moisture; however, excessive humidity can severely damage the flooring.

  • Emission of VOCs,  most bamboo floors have adhesives that emit VOCs; however, there are bamboo floors that emit low VOCs.

Despite its drawbacks, it can be a good option for your home. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at (408) 333-9771 or (408) 509-8627. You can also visit our showroom in 1190 Mountain View-Alviso, Ste N, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.

VOC's Dangers

Violate Organic Chemicals (VOC), are chemicals found in various products like paints, dry-cleaned clothes, air fresheners, moth repellants, glue and wood preservatives like wax and finishes. When it comes to cleaning your home, you want to make sure that you’re using safe products, especially if you have children or pets. Finding products with zero VOC can be tricky, but it’s not too difficult.


VOC can have several health risks, short and long term. 
Some short term effects are:
• Headaches
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Visual disorders
• Eyes, nose, and throat irritation


Some long term effects are:
• Loss of coordination
• Damage to liver and kidneys
• Constant fatigue 
• Cancer

VOCs are known to be used in the production of laminate, vinyl, and carpeting; however, there are laminate, vinyl, and carpeting options that emit low to zero VOCs.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at (408) 333-9771 or (408) 509-8627. You can also visit our showroom in 1190 Mountain View-Alviso, Ste N, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.