matte finish

Pets & Hardwood Floors


When you have made the decision to install a Hardwood Floor in your house, and you have or plan to have a pet at home, and that makes you think about what type of Hardwood Floor you should buy, you should keep the following in mind:

  • The resistance. The higher the grade of Janka, the hardwood will be more resistant and less to scratches (we can give you more information about the options there are). The Oak, both White and Red, are good concerning hardness, the exotic species to, but they could be more expensive.

  • The texture, it would be convenient to choose a wire brush texture since it will create a natural appearance, which will hide the scratches that may occur.

  • The color of the Hardwood Floors, with natural hues, will hide scratches more than a stained hardwood. In the same way, a Hardwood Floor with variations of color will help to camouflage any imperfection found in the finish due to wear and tear.

  • The finish, our recommended would be matte finish since it reflects less light, which will make the scratches that are made less visible.

As an addition to the dust and waxed Hardwood Floor will be better to hide the dust, dirt and scratches are less seen. You can choose a Solid Hardwood Floor or an Engineering Hardwood Floor, seeing its advantages and disadvantages concerning sanding and finishing your Hardwood Floor, to renew it and make your investment more satisfactory.

If you have any questions about the characteristics of Hardwood Floor for your needs, contact us at (408) 509-8627-(408) 333-9771, or come to our showroom to see examples and together we will make an evaluation to choose the best option.